RPG Indie
RV Games$15.99Inspired by classic horror movies, Cabin in the Woods and games like Dead by Daylight, this minimalist adventure is compatible with the Mothership ...
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Something is Wrong with the Chickens
Elliot Davis$5.99Bryson Foods, Inc has taken everything from us. It's time to fight them. We are Chickens. We are Eldritch Horrors. Make. Bryson. Pay. Something Is...
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Magical Kitties Save The Day
Atlas Games$29.99Every magical kitty has a human. Every human has a problem. In Magical Kitties Save the Day, you and your friends use your magical powers to help y...
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Twenty Sided Adventures (2022) Pumpkin Dungeon (PDF)
Twenty Sided$4.99Pumpkin Dungeon A spooky adventure for brave characters A flier tacked up outside Belt Market, glimmering in the moonlight, reads: In the light of...
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Beak, Feather, & Bone
Possible Worlds Games$15.99Inspired by map-making games like Avery Alder's The Quiet Year and RPG systems like Meguey and Vincent Baker's Powered by the Apocalypse, Beak Feat...
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Into the Wyrd and Wild
Wet Ink Games$35.99Into the Wyrd and Wild is a supplemental book for adding weird and terrifying wilderness into any role-playing game. Forever wielded but never owne...
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Blinking Birch Games$14.99Anamnesis is a solo journaling game about self-discovery, reflection and identity. Play as someone who has woken up with memory loss. You can't rem...
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The Very Good Dogs of Chernobyl
9th Level$15.99You are dogs. Good dogs. You live in a place the humans once called "Prypiat." Things used to be good. Dogs and humans were friends. But now, they ...
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Advanced Lovers & Lesbians
Evil Hat Productions$38.99Crafted from the minds of the best and brightest creators in the indie RPG scene, Advanced Lovers and Lesbians brings brand new playbooks and alter...
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I'm Sorry Did You Say Street Magic
Caro Asercion$21.99Originally conceived as a hack of Microscope, i'm sorry did you say street magic is a game about building a city: filling it with life and vivid de...
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Elliot Davis$11.99Abominations is GM-less tabletop roleplaying game about creating various amalgamations of monstrous creations and taking them into the ring to figh...
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The Well
Shoeless Pete Games$29.99The Well is a fun, lightweight RPG of exploring dungeons, finding treasures and collecting grievous wounds. Deep in the underground Bastion city, g...
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Enoch's Wake Freebooting Rogues of The Infinite Void
R. Rook Studio$9.99Welcome to the Infinite Void. This isn't the outer space of our physics-bound modern world, but a magical space, loosely based on early modern idea...
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Enoch's Wake
R. Rook Studio$19.99Enoch's Wake is a stand-alone tabletop RPG about life in the comet city. Stroll from wealthy Promenade, where the merchants build homes to compete ...
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Glitter Hearts
Leatherman Games$35.99Together with your friends, explore the world of super heroics as ordinary people who gain extraordinary powers. Think Sailor Moon or Power Rangers...
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The Excellents
9th Level$14.99Welcome to AWESOME WORLD! You are the perfect person to protect this realm against evil! Have a sword! And a crown! How about an adorably awesome p...
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Twenty Sided Adventures (2018 Jupiter Disco) Salton Lake (PDF)
Twenty Sided$9.99A system agnostic adventure set in a modern world tinged with traditional fantasy elements. This is a digital product, PDF only. 2018 Jupiter Disc...
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Eli Seitz$14.99"Not again," thought Yousef, as he looked up at the two-ton lion statue careening towards him from the roof. "I don't know if I can take another Th...
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Drunk and Ugly Games$36.99Everyone knows about goblins. They’re violent and stupid little green guys who with just enough brain cells to know what they’re doing and heartles...
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Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Evil Hat Productions$29.99Love, swords, and adventure. Thirsty Sword Lesbians battle the Lady of Chains when her enforcers march down from the frosty north. They rocket thro...
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Thousand Year Old Vampire
Tim Hutchings$49.99This is a solo roleplaying game of memory, loss, and vampires. In Thousand Year Old Vampire, you chronicle the many centuries of a vampire’s existe...
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Magical Industrial Revolution
Skerples$49.99This book is about Atlantis before the tide turned. It’s about Hyperborea before it vanished between dimensions. It’s about Nu Yark Citee before th...
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Alice is Missing
Renegade Game Studios$23.99Alice is Missing is a silent role playing game about the disappearance of Alice Briarwood, a high school junior in the sleepy Northern California t...
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Kids on Brooms
Renegade Game Studios$25.99You pull your wand from the folds of your cloak, and its glowing blue end illuminates the door in front of you—the entrance to the banned books sec...
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Fiasco Boxed Set
Bully Pulpit Games$39.99A Game About Powerful Ambition and Poor Impulse Control FIASCO is an award-winning story-telling game inspired by cinematic tales of small-time cap...
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Woodfall : Dark Fantasy Mini Setting
Lazy Litch's Loot$21.99Woodfall is a swamp belonging to a king where witches, thieves and outlaws are squatting. They have built a town on top of the swamp and have resis...
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Star Crossed (2nd ed)
Bully Pulpit Games$34.99Star Crossed is a two-player game about really, really wanting to, when you really, really can’t. In Star Crossed, you and your fellow player will ...
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Possum Creek Games$29.99Sleepaway gives us long hazy days, chilled summer nights, kids screaming and chasing fireflies, crackling campfires, and a gaunt, cruel monstrosity...
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Visigoths vs Mall Goths
Hit Point Press$32.99Visigoths vs. Mall Goths is a roleplaying game and dating sim about the conflicts and romances among the warriors who sacked ancient Rome and 20th ...
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Sign : A Game About Being Understood
Thorny Games$20.99Nicaragua in the 1970s had no form of sign language. In the 1980s, something happened. Fifty deaf children from across the country were brought tog...
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Kids on Bikes : Strange Adventures Vol 1
Renegade Game Studios$19.99Odd events are happening in Small Towns. There are Shadows in Sharon Hollow, Strange Things are afoot at the Circle Q... Not to mention there is so...
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Monster of the Week Tome of Mysteries
Evil Hat Productions$24.99Open the Tome—if you dare! In the Monster of the Week roleplaying game, hunters must solve all manner of mysteries before they can save the day. Th...
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Dead Friend a Game of Necromancy
Hit Point Press$21.99Dead Friend a Game of Necromancy, is a roleplaying game for a necromancer and a ghost. In this collaborative storytelling game for two players, you...
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Bluebeard's Bride
Magpie Games$49.99Bluebeard’s Bride is an investigatory horror roleplaying game based on the Bluebeard fairy tale, written and designed by Whitney "Strix" Beltrán, M...
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The Impossible Dream$29.99Beyond the door we could hear the highway, the cars, the trucks, the roar of freedom. Beyond the door. But the twenty feet between us and the door...
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Apocalypse World
Lumpley Games$39.99Nobody remembers how or why. Maybe nobody ever knew. The oldest living survivors have childhood memories of it: cities burning, society in chaos th...
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The Skeletons
Bully Pulpit Games$21.99Years fly by like dead leaves. Everything is darkness. Everything is silence. You stand vigilant before the sarcophagus without thought or breath-s...
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Blades in the Dark
Evil Hat Productions$29.99Blades in the Dark is a roleplaying game about a crew of daring scoundrels seeking their fortunes on the haunted streets of an industrial-fantasy c...
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Masks A New Generation (Softcover)
Magpie Games$32.99Halcyon City has had more than its fair share of superheroes, superteams, supervillains, and everything in between. Over the course of three diffe...
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Microscope Explorer
Lame Mage Productions$29.99This book is loaded with tools and strategies to get the most out of your Microscope games. Microscope Explorer includes new step-by-step seeds to ...
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Lame Mage Productions$29.99Want to explore an epic history of your own creation, hundreds or thousands of years long, all in an afternoon? That's Microscope. You won't play t...
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Ryuutama Natural Fantasy Roleplay
Kotodama Heavy Industries$39.99Play as a typical NPC compelled to take a fantastical journey! Ryuutama is an RPG developed in Japan by designer Atsuhiro Okada. It is set in a wor...
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Kingdom (2nd ed)
Lame Mage Productions$29.99Kingdoms are all around us. They are the communities that unite us. The colonists are excited even if it means abandoning our carefully calculated ...
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The Quiet Year (Bag Set)
Buried Without Ceremony$49.99The Quiet Year is a map game. You define the struggles of a post-apocalyptic community, and attempt to build something good within their quiet year...
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Castles & Crusades Players Handbook (Hard Cover)
Troll Lord Games$29.99A pillar of the table top RPG industry, Castles & Crusades embodies the spirit of the old-school gamer with the easy to use modern mechanics. T...
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Bully Pulpit Games$25.99Maybe some dude from youth group talked you into boosting a case of motor oil, but now your cousin is dead in a swamp and you killed him. Maybe you...
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