Telling Stories Together: Indie RPGs

Spotlight June 2023 | Indie RPGs : Telling Stories Together

There's nothing quite like telling stories around a table (or even a screen). Collaborating on an idea can spark some amazing creativity. If you've ever had those moments at the table– "Oh, and then THIS can happen!" followed by "Yes! And that's perfect for THIS!" –it can be infectious. And inspiring. The moments when we all come together to do the thing, whatever that thing may be.

There truly are so many ways to tell stories. Indie Roleplaying Games have something for every type of storyteller. Here are a few we've been obsessed with as of late!

Two Summers

by Côme Martin

Two Summers & Other Summers

Two Summers is a game of sunny adventures and light drama across two timelines. I love the story trope of playing as children and then playing those same characters as adults 30 years later (Now & Then, anyone?). There's something so wonderful about watching a character grow and being able to shape their relationships over decades. It's not something we often get to do in roleplaying games, and this game uses a fabulous relationship building system that all players collaborate on.

And if Yellowjackets and Stephen King's It are more your speed, you can pick up the Other Summers supplement to add some spookiness to your story.

Thirsty Sword Lesbians

by April Kit Walsh

Winner of the Best Game and Product of the Year for the 2022 ENnie Awards, Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a roleplaying game for telling queer stories with your friends. Full of flirting, sword fighting and zingers, this game invites you to feel the deep emotional conflict of your characters and to care about your fellow characters in the game. The safety and consent guidelines are fantastic for creating a safe environment for emotional roleplay. You, the player always get to choose the actions of your character– the game never dictates what your character must do.  

"What if not lesbians?" In its brilliance, this game plays with themes that are common for all sorts of marginalized people, as well as feelings that go beyond the queer experience. Being able to tell those stories in a way that celebrates the varied ways we live our lives is very cool and I can't recommend this RPG enough. 

Want to try it out? We're playing Thirsty Sword Lesbians Heist at the Meta Gala this month- come play!


by M Veselak


Wickedness is such a beautiful game (and another 2022 ENnie Award winner!). At its core, it's a fantasy RPG about the resilience and power of queer community. In this game for three players, use your tarot deck to uncover the story of your Coven of witches. Beautifully collaborative, everyone has an equal hand in portraying the world, its inhabitants and the interpretation of the tarot cards.

One thing I love about this game is the "Hmm Finger" mechanic. While you’re thinking, if you’re open to hearing suggestions, you can put a finger to your lips and say “Hmm!” If someone doesn’t put up a Hmm Finger or ask for help, don’t chime in. Once they’ve answered the question, you can return to freely making suggestions. Just as every tarot deck is different, every game of Wickedness is also different and I really like the true collaboration at work in this game. 

Check out the Spotlight Page for more Indie RPGs and ways to tell stories together!

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