Eat The Reich

SKU: 16522
UPC: 9781913032401
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Eat the Reich is a fast-paced, short-burn roleplaying game set in 1943 in which you are a vampire commando in occupied Paris. You must cut a bloody path through nazi forces in order to get to your true goal: drink all of Adolf Hitler's blood.

This over-the-top, ultraviolent game is designed to be played from beginning to end in one to three sessions of carnage, blood magic, meaningful flashbacks and exsanguinating hundreds upon hundreds of extremely dead fascists.


  • Six pre-generated player characters ready to smash up some fascists
  • An inaccurate map of Paris
  • Several battalions of nazi adversarie complete with sniper, paratroopers, armoured infantry, tanks and reanimated mummies
  • Easy-to-learn rules which push cinematic action, creativity and group storytelling to the forefront of play
  • Extensive safety tools and guidance for playing a game featuring nazis, even if you're exsanguinating every single one you meet


System: The Havoc Engine (d6 Dice Pool)
Mechanic: GM & d6 Dice
Ages: 16+
Number of Players: 2-6
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Historical
Tone: Silly
Themes: Exsanguinating nazis, Violence, M*rd*ring fascists
Designer: Grant Howitt
Art: Will Kirby