Smörkås Borg : A Kobolds Ate My Baby + MÖRK BORG Zine

SKU: 16434
UPC: 9781940621173
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Kobolds are fearless (and hungry). But in the deepest and darkest depths of the cave, the less stupid prophets of vore speak of the coming of the end. The end of the road, one for the ditch! Eventually, someone has to pay the bill for this endless buffet that kobolds call life... De Smörkås Borg cometh.

This zine adventure is compatible with MÖRK BORG


System: OSR (Old-School Renaissance)
Mechanic: GM & Dice
Number of Players: 3-6
Genre: Fantasy
Tone: Silly
Themes: Adventure, Shenangigans, Survival
Designer: Glenn Given
Art: Chris O'Neill