Cantrip Candles (6oz) Scarborough Faire

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SKU: 10376
Herbaceous, Clean, Spicy

Notes: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme

Jovial music and the murmur of the crowd fills your ears as you saunter past brightly colored market stalls. The aroma of herbs hangs heavy in the early evening, calling out for the fireflies to begin their summer dance.

This scent has a distinctly sharp scent before the first burn. You'll notice that the notes of Sage and Rosemary blend effortlessly with the other herbs after the candle is lit. 

Made with 100% Soy Wax and poured in small batches.

Cantrip Candles are designed to create an immersive environment through scent. Simply lighting one before a tabletop session will begin to transport you to another world, adding to the enjoyment and depth of your game.