Fake Artist Goes to New York

SKU: 9240
UPC: 4571394090589

Draw and Guess!

The game master of the round chooses a topic and everyone has to help draw it one line at a time. But one of the artists doesn't know what they are drawing

If the other players don't figure out you are the fake artist, you and the game master win! If the other players can figure it out, you lose! But you still have one more chance! If you can guess what the picture is, you win!

This rule means the real artists will have to draw well enough to prove they know the topic without revealing the topic...

...so the picture becomes a crazy mess!


  • 9 Title Cards
  • 10 Color Pens
  • 1 White Board Marker
  • Drawing Paper
  • Game Manual


Players: 5 - 10
Ages: 8+
Designer: Jun Sasaki