Catan (5th ed) Expansion Cities and Knights

SKU: 7909

Flourishing trade brings prosperity to Catan. However, all this wealth also attracts barbarians. The knights of Catan are needed!

Get used to a tougher life on Catan – and a longer but also more exciting game. The first player to reach 13 victory points is the winner. 

This expansion requires the base game of Catan and can also be combined with Seafarers and Traders & Barbarians.

In comparison to the Catan base game, this expansion requires a little more tactical and strategic skill.


  • 1 Barbarian Tile
  • 36 Commodity Cards
  • 54 Progress Cards
  • 6 Victory Point Cards
  • 4 Development Flip Charts
  • Wooden Playing Pieces in 4 Colors
  • 3 Metropolis Pieces
  • 3 Metropolis Tokens
  • 2 Sheets of Knight Labels
  • 1 Barbarian Ship
  • 1 Merchant
  • 1 Game Rules and Almanac Book
  • 1 Game Overview
  • 1 Event Die


Players: 3-4
Ages: 12+
Designer: Klaus Teuber

