Spring Spotlight Photosynthesis Board Game

Spring Spotlight | Nature Games

Spring is upon us! And we've put together a collection of games featuring adorable animals, beautiful plant growth and all things springlike to have you feeling like a warm, sunny day at the park in no time!



When thinking about spring games, the first one to come to mind is Photosynthesis– the ultimate game about... GROWING! In this game, you'll place beautiful 3D tree tokens onto the circular board. Each round, the sun rotates around board, gaining you points for each tree you have in the sunshine. The taller your trees, the better chance you have of blocking other players' trees, making them miss out on that sweet, sweet sunlight. 



In this indie roleplaying game, you and your friends will play as the first generations of humans to live amongst the animals. You'll collaborate to create a unique map of the Garden and fill it with inhabitants of the furry variety. With simple rules and no game master or dice required, will you get along with your fellow humans with only the animals to guide you?

Mountains Out Of Molehills


Mountains Out Of Molehills


This hands-on dexterity game features adorable moles who have come to the annual Mountain Maker Tournament to compete in building the tallest molehill. With punny mole names like Loama, Sandy, Clay and Pete, you and your friends will battle it out to see just how high you can pile your molehill. Build and control the most Mountains made out of Molehills (get it?) over 6 rounds will be declared the ‘top tunneler!' Dig in (...or up, I suppose)!

Heckin' Good Doggos


Heckin' Good Doggos


Who's a good dog? It's YOU! In Heckin' Good Doggos – you guessed it! – you play as a dog. Not just any dog. A very good dog who teams up with their very good dog friends to sniff out adventure and save their humans from danger. It's a roleplaying game that is fantastic for all ages. You'll create your doggos, define your neighborhood, work together to solve conflicts and, of course, make it home in time for dinner. Must Love Dogs.

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