Anyone Can Wear The Mask

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SKU: 15323

Anyone Can Wear The Mask is a tabletop roleplaying games about a superhero, a supervillain, and the city they share. Throughout play, record the adventures of a great hero as they defend their city, stand up to those in power, and eventually confront a terrible nemesis. Draw maps, roll dice, pull cards from a deck, and make a living record of the city and its people.

With no Game Master required, and rules for solo play, each person plays a different character: The City, The Hero or The Villain.


System: GM-less
Mechanic: Deck of Standard Playing Cards & d6 Dice
Number of Players: 1-3
Genre: Modern, Superhero
Tone: Serious
Themes: Good vs Evil
Designer: Jeff Stormer
Art: Elijah Forbes