Race for the Galaxy Expansion : 2 Rebel vs Imperium

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SKU: 1592
UPC: 655132003865

As the Imperium crushes outlying systems, Rebel worlds begin to ally, politically and militarily. Meanwhile, the Uplift Code, within the genomes of the Alien Overlords’ former servitor races, is being sequenced.

Can you build the most prosperous and powerful space empire in a galaxy where border conflicts rage?

This is not a standalone game. A copy of Race for the Galaxy is required to play.


  • 1 Replacement Gambling World
  • 3 Start World Cards
  • 7 Action Cards
  • 41 Game Cards
  • 2 2-Player Action Cards
  • 1 Contest Entry Card
  • 6 Military/takeover Status Slides
  • 24 Cubes
  • 3 Counters
  • 1 Takeover Disk
  • 6 Victory Point
  • 2 “Most” Goals
  • 3 “First” Goals
  • 1 Additional 3 VP Goal Chip
  • 4 Counters for Solitaire Game


Players: 2-6
Ages: 12+
Designer: Thomas Lehmann

